*S. |
normalized (Neo-)Sindarin |
1st |
first person. |
2nd |
second person |
3rd |
third person |
Arch. |
archaism |
Astron. |
Astronomy |
Biol. |
Biology |
Bot. |
Botany |
Cal. |
Calendar |
Cf. |
See also |
Geog. |
Geography |
Geol. |
Geology |
Ling. |
Linguitics |
Mil. |
Military domain |
N. |
Noldorin |
Orn. |
Ornithology |
Pej. |
pejorative register |
Phil. |
Philosophy |
Poet. |
literary or poetic language |
Pop. |
People, name of a population |
S. |
Sindarin |
Theo. |
Theology |
Zool. |
Zoology |
abst. |
abstract form |
adj. |
adjective |
adj. num. |
number, numerical adjective |
adv. |
adverb |
aor. |
aorist |
art. |
article |
augm. |
augmentative |
aux. |
auxiliary |
by ext. |
by extension |
by opp. |
by opposition |
card. |
cardinal (number) |
class pl. |
class plural |
coll. |
collective plural |
conj. |
conjunction |
dem. |
demonstrative |
der. |
derivative |
dim. |
dimiminutive |
dual |
dual |
dual pl. |
dual |
etym. |
etymology |
excl. |
exclusive |
f. |
feminine |
fam. |
familiar |
fut. |
future tense |
ger. |
gerund |
hypo. |
hypocoristic, affectionate diminutive |
imp. |
imperative |
incl. |
inclusive |
inf. |
infinitive |
interj. |
interjective |
invar. |
invariable |
irreg. pa. t. |
irregular past tense |
lit. |
literally |
m. |
masculine |
mut. |
mutation |
n. |
noun |
n. pr. |
proprer name |
nasal assim. |
nasal assimilation |
nasal mut. |
nasal mutation |
ord. |
ordinal (number) |
pa. t. |
past tense |
part. |
participle |
perf. |
perfective |
pl. |
plural |
pol. |
polite |
poss. |
possesive |
pp. |
past participle |
pref. |
prefix |
prep. |
preposition |
pres. |
present tense |
pron. |
pronoun |
quant. |
quantitative (number) |
rel. |
relative (pronoun) |
sg. |
singular |
sing. |
singulative |
soft mut. |
soft mutation (lenition) |
unkn. |
unknown part of speech |
v. |
verb |
v. impers. |
impersonal verb |
v. intrans. |
intransitive verb |