
The Data Model

General presentation

The core dictionary dictionary consists in a single file encoded in XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) based on the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) specifications, more precisely a loose subset of the TEI P4 standards.

Why XML?

Although XML was still emerging in 1999 when the project was initiated, it was felt suitable for providing a clear interchange format and a structured high-level representation of the information. One can process the XML description to generate readable views of it — e.g. in HTML for the Web — or even to extract selected data and use them in a different context. It may be achieved programmatically, using standard W3C techniques (for ex. XSLT style-sheets) or any other programming language. As part of the Sindarin dictionary project, we wrote several specific XSLT stylesheets for the various tasks we wanted to achieved (pre- or post-processing, conversion, etc.)

Why TEI?

The Text Encoding Initiative specifically targets dictionaries (TEI P4, §12), with various approaches being considered and discussed. Being developed by a group of experts, it tried to address a lot of use cases. The distinction between a “lexical view” (that is, the way the underlying information structure is to be encoded, without concern for its exact textual representation) and the “typographic and editorial” views (focussed on the typesetting and the typographic realizations) are enlightening. So the choice was quite obvious: Rather the inventing another specific XML “tag-set” (nowadays called a “schema”), which would have to be specified and explained, a relevant subset of the TEI proposal was felt more than appropriate.

Further thought

These choices were not obvious when the project was started in 1999. Some people were only concerned about the final representation. In their view, any word-processing software would have been acceptable. Others promoted using a relational database (generally SQL-based). We still believe it would have been a poor choice, as an interchange format but also regarding the structural design (or how to design a good database model for such a thing…). Years later (by 2008), some groups of people still criticized the choise of XML compared to SQL… Anyhow, it is interesting however to note that another major other similar project (of a much larger scope) now exists years later, Eldamo by Paul Strack, and uses XML as well at its core. QED.

Encoding overview

Since this dictionary is based on TEI, we are not going to describe here every feature from the schema, but rather to summarize the main elements. In other terms, this presentation is not exhaustive.

The reader is therefore expected to have a prior knowledge of XML and to refer, if need be, to the TEI specifications for elements loosely defined hereafter.

File structure

The dictionary has the following general structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Header: various general information
         (title, edition, publisher, license, introductory notes -->
      <div0 type="dictionary">
        <!-- Dictionary entry -->
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- Dictionary entry -->


Each entry is encoded as an <entry> element which may have the following attributes:

The general contents of an entry are shown hereafter:

  <!-- Word forms (possibly nested) -->
  <!-- Optional grammatical information, usually they are rather provided with the sense -->
  <!-- Sense (glosses or definitions) -->
  <!-- Optional etymological notes -->
  <!-- Optional notes (sources, comments) -->
  <!-- Optional related entries (secondary entries) -->
  <!-- Optional cross-reference links to other entries (analogies or synonyms, etc.) -->

Word forms

There are two cases here.

For entries with more than one forms (as with alternative readings) and/or with inflected forms, there is one first level of “nesting”, using a <form> element with a type attribute set to “regular” or “inflected”. One can regard these specific form top-level elements as “form groups”, then containing a sequence of forms. Of course, each recorded inflection (e.g. of a different morphological or grammatical nature) will have its own group.

  <form type="regular">
    <!-- First word form = main headword -->
    <!-- Alternative word form -->
    <!-- ... -->   
  <form type="inflected">
    <!-- Nature of the inflection -->
    <!-- Word form (inflected) -->
    <!-- Alternative word form (inflected) -->
    <!-- ... -->   

For very simple entries, the nesting is not mandatory. It is however recommended to always use it in the core source lexicon (but generated cross-reference entries in the post-processed lexicon may not have it).

So whether nested or not, we eventually reach the point where actual word forms are recorded. Each form (first main or alternative) is encoded as a <form> element which may have the following attributes:

The form must at least contain an <orth> element, with its textual representation.

It may additionally contain:

      <orth><!-- Actual word --></orth><usg type="lang" norm="..."/>
      <bibl><!-- References --></bibl>
      <pron><!-- Pronunciation --></pron>

Sense information

    <!-- Grammatical information -->
    <!-- Other register or category information -->
    <trans lang="fr">
      <!-- Definition (French translation of the definition(s), gloss(es) and usage hint(s)) -->
    <trans lang="en">
      <!-- Definition (English original definition(s), gloss(es) and usage hints(s)) -->

Would there be several meanings for an entry, having several sense elements is allowed.

The definitions are normally included in a <def> element.

Usage hints are encoded in a <usg type="hint">...</usg> group. NOTE: in TEI P4, this group cannot be in a definition, so one has to close the definition, add the usage hints, and possibly open a new definition for subsequent information. We might want to change this at some stage.

In the English definitions, bibliographic references can be mentioned with the <bibl> element. This should only include references where the gloss or definition is attested (as compared to the bibliographic information on the orth. form, where the word form is actually attested.)

So for instance:

    <trans lang="en">
      <def><bibl><!-- References --></bibl> <!-- some glosses -->,
        <bibl><!-- Ref. --></bibl> <!-- some other glosses --></def> <usg type="hint"><!-- Some hint --></usg>,
      </def><bibl><!-- Ref. --></bibl> <!-- another gloss --></def>

Grammatical information

Grammatical information are usually provided in a <gramGrp> (grammatical group) element, although this is not mandatory.

Here the full range of part-of speech markers, tense specifiers, etc. from TEI P4 may be used. Linguistic structures not defined in TEI (e.g. mutations) are encoded with a generic <itype> element.

Just immediately after a grammatical group in an inflected entry, one may find a link to a base form if needed, as an <xr> cross-reference of the following kind:

    <xr type="of"><ptr target="..."/></xr>

Register or category information

Semantic domain:

<usg type="dom"><!-- Domain --></usg>

Where domains include: “Bot.”, “Geol.”, “Ling.”, “Mil.”, “Orn.”, “Theo.”, “Zool.”, “Astron.”, “Biol.”, “Phil.”, “Geog.”, “Cal.”, “Pop.”, etc. - See abbreviations.

Archaic or poetic word:

    <usg type="reg">Arch., Poet.</usg>

(Likewise, only “Arch.” or “Poet.”, etc.)

Prejorative register:

    <usg type="reg">Pej.</usg>

Category information (semantic field, where the attribute value is Carl Darling Buck’s structured numbering for that field):

    <usg type="cat" norm="..."/>

(Optional) Etymological notes

Introduced with the <etym> element, containing free text. NOTE: We might want to change this at some later stage.

(Optional) Notes (sources and comments)

The dictionnary currently supports three types of annotations.

Sources or quotations

  <note type="source,deduced"><mentioned><!-- Partial quotation --></mentioned> 
     <!-- Free text incl. references --></note>

NOTE: This encoding is somewhat historical and might not imply that the entry is “deduced”. We might change to a more adequate type at some stage (e.g. “mention”).

Editorial comments

Editorial comments are formatted as follows:

  <note type="comment" lang="...">
    <!-- Free text with presentation and formatting elements allowed -->

Legacy sources indication

Some entries provide bibliographic information as a specific note:

  <note type="source"><!-- References --></note>

NOTE: This is a legacy usage from earlier versions of the dictionary. This note would ideally be split in <bibl> elements at the appropriate place (that is, as explained above, in orth. forms or in definitions).

Related entries correspond to the concept of secondary entries under a given entry.

Each is introduced with the <re> element, which may have the following attributes:

The contents of a related entry can be the same as for an entry. Usually, by nature, they are more concise and only contain word forms and grammatical information.

NOTE: There were discussions whether to replace corresp by sameAs and leave the related entry empty, to avoid duplicating information.

An <xr> element formatted as follows:

  <xr type="analogy"><ptr target="..."/></xr>

Where the pointer target is the unique identifier (id attribute) of another entry.